New Book: Jezernik, Božidar – Yugoslavia, Land of Dreams

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Yugoslavia, Land of Dreams
First edition: November  2018
414 pages
Price: 900 dinars




Božidar Jezernik (1951) is professor of ethnogarphy of the Balkans and cultural anthropology at the University of Ljubljana. His scientific work concentrates on ethnological and anthropological research of the Balkans and Central Europe. Jezernik’s first book was a study of Italian concentration camps, Struggle for Survival (published in Slovenian in 1983, in English in 1998). He wrote about life in German concentration camps in Seks and Sexuality In Extremis (Ljubljana, 1993) , and about life in Yugoslav camps in Non cogito ergo sum (Ljubljana, 1994). Revised versions of this last book were published in Serban, Polish and German. Jezernik is the author and editor of a number of books on social memory, among which is the monograph The Nationalization of the Past (Ljubljana, 2013), which has been translated into Croatian and English. An expanded version of his Balkan travel memoir The Land Where Everything Goes Wrong (Ljubljana, 1998) has been translated into English (as Wild Europe), Turkish, Polish, Serbian, Italian, Albanian, German, Bulgarian and Russian. The Serbian translation, Divlja Evropa (translated by S. Glišić, 2007), was published by Biblioteka XX vek, and Biblioteka XX vek also published his edited collection Imagining ’the Turk’ (translated by A. Bešić and I. Cvijanović, 2010). His book on coffee and coffee shops, Coffee, the Magical Drink (2012) received the Gourmand Award for the best book about coffee in Beijing in 2014.

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