Čolović, Ivan – Breaking with Identity

Ivan ČolovićColovic_2014C

BREAKING WITH IDENTITY: Essays in political anthropology, volume 3

2014. 204 pages

Price: 700 din.




Ivan Čo­lo­vić (born in Belgrade in 1938) is an ethnologist and the publisher of Biblioteka XX. vek. His best known books include: Wild literature (1985), The warriors’ bordello (1993; German translation 1994, French tranlations 2005 and 2009), Ethno (2006; Polish translation 2007) and The Balkans: The terror of culture (2008; Polish translation 2006, English translation 2011, German translation 2011, Macedonian translation 2012). He is the recipient of the Herder prize (2000), the Légion d’honneur (2001), the “Konstantin Obradović” prize of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (2006), the “Vitez poziva” award (2010), an honorary doctorate from the University of Warsaw (2010), and the “Konstantin Jireček” medal (2012

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